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Timestamp: 2008-08-02 04:00:45 UTC
I've had so much fun entering these contests! The laundry may be piled up, and the sink may be full of dishes, but this comes only once a quarter and just lasts a couple of days. I got an email earlier that I won one of the prizes and I'm so excited! Details later on what it is.
I'm thinking of doing a monthly giveaway. It'll be something small, of course--I'm not rich and famous, and it may even end up being bi-monthly. I wasn't expecting 129 comments! My idea is to give away something I make myself or a vintage treasure I find while yard-saling and flea-marketing. I find lots of good stuff, namely jewelry and accessories. But if I do that, you all have to enter or it'll hurt my feelings. Even those of you who normally just "lurk" and never comment! We are going to yard sales tomorrow so we'll see what I can come up with.

I had been thinking of having a giveaway for a few days when I realized Bloggy Giveaways was just about to host the quarterly Bloggy Giveaways Carnival! Fate!
Here is what I'm giving away:
It's a hot pink Braggables purse which holds a picture of your sweet baby (or teenager, cat, or dog--whomever you'd prefer)! It's easy to change the picture when you get a new one.
To win, just leave a comment and include an email address.
Please also note:
1) U.S. addresses only please. I'm not being a snob, I just can't afford to ship it out of the country!
2) You don't have to be a blogger to win, but please leave an email address whether you blog or not so I can contact you if your name is drawn! You may want to type it as somebody (at) somewhere .com to discourage spammers.
3) The contest will end at midnight August 1st and I will select the winner randomly. I'll email the winner (and post here) and if she has not responded with shipping information within four business days I will pick someone else.
4) Duplicate entries will be disqualified--you know, the usual stuff.
Yay! I'm excited!
Wonderful! Love these bags and yes, hosting a giveaway is a blast... winning is a lot of fun too! lol
wendy2lindsey (at)yahoo(dot)com
Heck yeah, I want to win this!Fun bags and I want to have them all!Hope to hear that I won this soon! yay!
Cute bag! Thanks.
I've got 3 giveaways, including a Teether that is out of this world-come see!
wow how cute i love to try and win one thanks
Wow, what a great bag! Its always fun to show off the babies when they aren't dangling from an arm!
Very cute bag...and I love hot pink! Thanks for the chance to win.
I love this! It would force my kids to all sit and take a GOOD picture so that I have one with all six of them
What a cute bag! Thanks for the great giveaway :)
How adorable. I would love to win
this bag. Just like everyone else I am sure. lol
Please enter me
Homeschooling mom of 6
Come and enter my contest
You can win lesson plans for
apples, 2008 Election or Math games
Thanks for the chance! I'd proudly use this.
How cute!!!!! I love that. I think this would make a great gift for grandma!!
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
I would love this bag to put pictures of my son in.
How will I decide which picture to put in the bag?!
jennifer at brucesabin dot com
What a neat bag! I'd use a picture of my children.
Everyone at work is always wanting to see pics of my kids, this would be a convenient way to show them since I always take a tote to work each day!
oooooooooo..thats cute! I wanna show off my baby boy!!!!!! i dont leave home without him!
What a cute idea for a bag! Please count me in!
How cute! I would put a picture of my boys in it! Thank you for the giveaway!
What a cute purse!
How cute!
kelli at pfrog dot net
Hot Pink would be fun. I love the bag - I hope I win.
Cute bag!
good idea. thanks!
That's a really cute bag! I would love to put a picture of my grandchildren in it.
I love stuff like this!
scrappydesigns at gmail dot com
What a great giveaway - I would love to win! :)
Great purse!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
What cute bags! Count me in.
nice idea
These are cute bags! I'd love to put a picture of my daughter in one. Email in blogger profile.
great bags! i want to win!
Hot Pink is just my color!
How cute! This is a nice one. I like that it is on the small side.
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
Too cute! I'd like a black one
These bags are adorable! I would love to win one!
OK, that is incredibly cute! Thanks for the fun contest!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
i heart the heart bags! thanks!
This is so cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love these bags. I would put a picture of my two little boys in it. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I totally love your blog!!!! Please enter me into your contest.
These bags are so cute. I love photos and take pic of my kids all the time.
I've wanted one of these for awhile!
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
Absolutely Adorable!!!!
That is so cute! Our baby is due in September, so that would be a perfect way to show him/her off to the world when I'm carrying him/her in the sling! We aren't finding out what we're having!! :)
ohhh...pick me! pick me!
or mrscooper811 at
These bags are too cute. Thanks for the nice giveaway!
What an adorable bag, I would give this to my niece who is expecting soon, she would love showing off the new little man once he gets here.
Geeze! My kids would make that bag look even better! lol
This would be perfect for my crocheting projects. :D
Congrats on your 1st giveaway. :)
Love the red bag. == internationalfreebies AT gmail DOT com
great giveaway! :) i hope i’m the lucky winner
I love it....
I'm a bag NUT!!!!!
I've always wanted one of the photo bags!
Count me in for sure!!!
I love this HUGE giveaway...I love getting to see all the different blogs that are out there!!!!
Check out my blog when ya get some free time!!!
musingsfromleftfield (at) yahoo (dot) com
What a cute bag. Thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.
I have seen these bag and thought that they were the cutest things!
Love it! I'd love to be entered!
very cute!
think i would have to make this a present for my mom, who's a pinkaholic and loves pics of her grandson :)
Great giveaway! Thanks!
You know, I've never had one of these purses with the photo slots. I'd love it. Thanks
bigfamily8 (at) yahoo (dot) com
What a cute bag! Count me in.zz
nice bag, I'm in
cjinhb at msn dot com
What a cute bag.
melissa 6808 at msn dot com
Now this is cute! I'd put pictures of my teens and tween in there. I guess I'd have to switch out every once in a while so that everybody got their chance to shine! I'm at
Oh, this would be the perfect Christmas present for Grandma.
Sign me up! :-)
two_pogs (at) verizon (dot) net
So cute. Love those little pinkies.
I would love to win this bag.
Please enter me.
You have a lovely blog.
Thank you,
Too cute. Thanks so much.
Very cute bag!!
I'd love this! And I could put a pic of my son in it!
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
I'd love changing the pictures out on this bag all the time!
stormraven (at) gmail (dot) com
Fun, thanks!
What cute bags, would love to win one. I love giveaways and contests etc... Too bad I found out about the carnival too late.
discriminating_diva (at)
Check out my blog if you get a chance- I'm hosting a couple giveaways, one back to school and one for a $50 Amazon GC. I'm was a contest junkie- now addicted to blogging and hosting my own giveaways.
those bags are pretty and you can put a picture on it!! that's so cool
lc_intocable at
Giveaways are indeed fun. It's a neat way to meet others. I love your banner on your blog. Thanks for offering this.
YAY!!! I would love one of these!!! :) thanks so much!
thecountryblossom (at) hotmail (dot)com
I could put a picture of my new puppy in there. Thanks.
Adorable bags, I would like to win one so I can put a picture of my two grandsons so I have them with me always.
avon2buy2sell (at)hotmail (dot) com
I love this!
Those bags are adorable! Congrats on your first giveaway- hope everything is going great with you!
Wow, this bag looks fun! Thanks for the giveaway! Hope you have a beautiful week.
cool contest! i like the prize
These are nice bags--thanks!
I love your fun bags!
OH these are really cute bags..!!! I would love to win!!
That bag is adorable! Enter me, please!
Amber wants to win!
I love you, Random Generator!
Neato-- good idea! emilysnapp (at) bellsouth .net
These are really cute. I could alternate photos of my kids, animals, and family!!!
This is great...Love these bags.
Oooh, how cute! I would love to win this!
What a darling bag. Would I love to own this. Thank you so much!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
What an awesome giveaway! Thanks so much for the opportunity! ~
Cute purse. Thanks for the giveaway!
Those are too cute. Please enter me into your drawing.
This is an awesome bag. I would love to display Brea's picture for all to see
That would be a great gift for a grandmother!!!
Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
tiffanyannrosson at yahoo dot com
Beautiful bag!
Cute bag!! Do I choose the dog or the kid??
Thank you!
believedreamcourage (at)
Great bags, Thanks for the contest
I love the bag!
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
These bags are so cool but it would be hard just picking one picture at a time to show off!
lisalmg (at) ktis (dot) net
This is really a cute idea. If I win it the only problem will be whether to give it away as I'm planning to do, or to keep it for myself! :)
I love the bag, I'd keep it for me and it would display a photo of an exceptionally cute little toddler.
love it! thanks for entering giveaway at
love the bag!!!
Thanks for the opportunity!
omg i love love love the bag!!!
grandma needs this!
That is too cute! I have a bag with 9 pictures, but it isn't nearly as cute as this one.
This is one of the best giveaways I have seen and I want it. Thanks.
andieevans11 at gmail dot com
I just like to win stuff. I think I'll put my OWN picture in it - ha-ha!
Too cute!
I love this how pretty
Cute bag! Great giveaway! Thanks for offering it!
What a cute prize. Count me in. Thanks.
Those are the coolest purses! I had a tote bag similar to that. It had several clear plastic slots in the front for pictures and I used it until it fell apart!
Thanks for having a giveaway!
killlashandra at hotmail dot com
This is so cute! I have a friend that has one and I would love it! cookiecutter72 At hotmail dot com
My mom would love this, this would be such an awesome birthday gift for her as she loves her grandchildren, and this bag would let her put pics of them that she could show off to all her friends! great idea!
lilacbutterfly [at]
This is absolutely adorable!! I would love to have a new purse. Thanks for such an awesome gift!!
Such cute bags! Thanks!
great bag - paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net
Cute, you can change them at your whim.
Dang girl, 126 comments?? You rock!!
Cute bag.
carissaad at aol dot com
Very cute bag! Thanks for the giveaway!
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