I haven't gotten everything on my list done. (Are you surprised?)
I didn't expect to get it all done, but just having the list gave me a sense of purpose and I think I accomplished more because of it. Here's what I did and didn't do:
1) Amy's challenge of ditching paper towels. I did pretty well on this. We had already mostly ditched them anyway, but we made an extra effort to use actual dishtowels whenever possible. We did use the paper ones a couple of times, like when we tie-dyed.
2) Make cloth hankies in order to give up tissues. I didn't make any, but I did find some brand-new hankies we bought forever ago in a bag, so now I don't need to. I consider this item done.
3) Sew my own pads. I finally found the perfect pad pattern. Now all I need to do is make minor adjustments according to my preferences and I'll be all set!
4) Write post about making pads. Yikes. Haven't even started.
5) Find a good deal on some plain white onesies, possibly at consignment sale. Did I ever. A whole pile of them.
6) Tie-dye said onesies. We did a few of them, but still have most of them to go. I can only tie-dye for so long before I get tired, and the shirts won't look as good.
7) Make Suzi's play kitchen. The bright orange wooden boxes we plan to use for this are still sitting out on the front porch. I'm sure the neighbors appreciate that!
8) Finish sanding Suzi's block set. Ha, no.
9) Get the dining room cleaned out. Yep, I did this one!!!
10) Do a second giveaway on my blog. Done. I'm now on my third.
11) Set a schedule for monthly giveaways. I decided to do at least one a month, and not worry about the date. The date will depend on opportunities for publicizing, such as the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival coming up at the end of October (block out your calendars, ladies!).
12) Figure out how to publicize giveaways. I think I've got this one under control between Prizey, Prize-a-Tron and Contest Blogger. Also, giving extra entries for blogging is a major help!
13) Learn three new recipes. I learned Black Bean and Salsa Soup, Cheese Muffins, and Spinach & Feta Hummus. The first two I'll be making again (and again); the third, not so much.
14) Make tutus. Nope.
15) Take Suzi's picture wearing tutu and BabyLegs. Nope.
16) Do a post on tutus and BabyLegs. Nope.
17) Start walking regularly with Suzi. Nope. Lugging out the big stroller is a bit of a hassle, I have to say.
18) Break in my running shoes (by walking, I mean!). Not even close.
19) Make Suzi's handprint (with a kit we have). Well, I thought about it. Does that count? We may wait until she's 18 months old, since that's a landmark age.
I did get other things done; for instance, I made four baby slings! These will be good for me and Suzi to use and the others I will use as giveaways or donate to No Mother Left Behind. I also wrote a fairly time-consuming post for the Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog's September Carnival. Overall, even though my list is half-done, I think I had a productive month!
October's to-do list coming soon.
And now for some links to my other blog:
My thoughts on babywearing for beginners
How our first tie-dye session went
23 questions about Suzi's birth (I will post this on here soon)
It's almost October! Woo-hoo!
Roasted Tomato Pesto Pasta
1 day ago
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