Here we are on the eve of our due date (the later one, I mean) and no baby yet. My widget in the sidebar was set up for 8/3 and it has now begun to count the days
back up. (Stop that! We are getting closer, not further away!) Everything is pretty much done except for things that have to be done right before the birth (like food preparation). In light of these circumstances,
this was a well-timed post from Linda, one of my midwives. Despite my best intentions to be patient, I really am ready to meet my baby now and Jordan is too. We aren't taking any desperate measures or anything--I mean, these few days of waiting are just a teensy sliver in the grand scheme of our lives. Ivey is doing fine and we are prepared to wait. It does make it a little harder this time because the birth itself is going to be amazing and I'm excited about that, too! My
mom blogged about the waiting as well if you'd like to read it. I don't personally have any belly shots or anything to share right now, but here are some pictures I meant to share a couple of weeks ago. These are the girls' beds.

Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper for Ivey, which will be attached to the side of our bed once she arrives.

And this is Suzi's little toddler bed that her Daddy made her. It's so low to the ground that she can sometimes roll out and not even wake up! It is currently at the foot of our bed, so if she has a nightmare (about monsters, most recently) she can come cuddle with us. People are always asking about our nursery, but we don't have one. We have a playroom for the girls, but we'll all sleep in the same bedroom for now. It works for us.
I thought I'd shared pictures of the playroom before, but I don't think I did. It was my first major act of nesting a couple of months ago, and here it is...

This room was previously quite cluttery and useless. (By the way, that is my belly cast from Suzi on top of the bookshelf. I never painted it but now I kind of like it the way it is!)
Now I am going over to my parents' house to wait a little more, and we are going up to the Tamassee DAR School thrift shop this afternoon. Should be a nice distraction! Hopefully I'll have baby pictures to share soon...
LOVE your family bedroom! I hope that little Ivey gets here soon to use it. If not, do you have a breast pump? (I know you're planning on being home, so not sure if you would or not)- I ended up using that to help my son get here when I was 4 days overdue and going NUTS! Good luck!
I am checking in with you every day, because I know it will be soon. It's so hard to be patient, but it sounds like you're doing pretty well all things considered.
I love the little toddler bed. And I'm impressed that Suzi's dad made it. Well done, really well done.
And I hope that the next time you post you have a baby in your arms. :)
I love the belly cast, how cool. Did you do one with Ivey yet? I think it would be neat to compare them. I wish I had done one when I weighed about 125. It would be PROOF that I was once that small - hee hee.
wait, let me change that to 131 lbs. You know, the weight I was at when I delivered Katy. Sigh.
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