Wednesday, November 19, 2008

*Updated with winner* Glow Mama... the drink made just for you

And the winner is... Hannah! I will be emailing her and she'll have four days to get back with me with her address so they can ship her drinks. Thanks for entering everyone!

What did you drink when you were pregnant? Gatorade was my beverage of choice, as I'd always enjoyed it during my (brief!) athletic experience and when I was sick. But the aftertaste? Not ideal for a morning sick mama-to-be. And the sodium--wasn't I puffy enough already? Unfortunately, Gatorade was my only option, as flavored water drinks made me gag and I wasn't about to subject the baby to my caffeinated favorites of Coke and iced tea. But Gatorade isn't made for moms.
Glow Mama is! Flavored lightly with kiwi, it contains a bunch of mom-to-be essentials you won't find in other drinks: fiber, vitamin B6, and folate, to name a few. It's also perfect for nursing moms.

I can't say for sure because I'm not pregnant at the moment, but I just bet Glow Mama would help counter morning sickness. When you were pregnant, did you ever feel as though anything you ate or drank could put you over the edge and make you vomit? I felt that way a lot. At times like those, I would have been relieved to have a light, refreshing drink like Glow Mama. Besides, one bottle has 25% of your daily vitamin B6, which is known to ease nausea. Because of my morning sickness I was also unable to take regular prenatal vitamins (have you tasted one of those things?!). How comforting to know you are getting a lot of what your baby needs just by enjoying a refreshing drink!

I know you are curious about the taste. It's hard to describe, but it's important to note that Glow Mama is water-based and flavored with fruit juice. It is not meant to be juice; even 100% pure apple juice with no added sweeteners contains several times more sugar than Glow Mama. It doesn't taste like a sugary soft drink, but if you look at the label and see what is in Glow Mama, you'll be wondering how they made it taste so good. It will also leave you feeling more refreshed than a glass of water will.

The one drawback? Most of us can't make a quick run to the store for a case of these. While I hope to one day see them next to the Gatorade in my local Bi-Lo, it is currently necessary to order them online because they are sold in California and that's about it. There are several options at different price points in Glow Mama's online store, or, if you prefer, you can order them on Amazon where they are eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping! Incidentally, Glow Mama has received impeccable ratings from Amazon customers.

Glow Mama has generously offered to let one of you try a two-week taster pack (16 bottles) of their drinks for free! To enter, please visit the Glow Mama website and leave a comment here telling me your favorite Glow Mama mocktail! I am anxious to try one myself, because normally I'm terrible at making drinks.
For extra entries, you may do one or all of the following for a total of five possible entries:

1) Sign up to receive the Glow Guide in your email (bottom left of their home page). Glow Mama has an informative blog which covers all sorts of mothers' issues and products.
2) Blog about this giveaway, linking back to this post and to Glow Mama's website.
3) Add Babyfingers to your blogroll or feed list.
4) If you purchase any Glow Mama during the contest period I'll give you an extra entry (use coupon code TM842 for 15% off).

Please leave a separate comment to tell me each thing you did, or the extra entries won't count!

This giveaway is open only to United States residents. Please be sure to leave an email address if I can't access one in your blog profile! Otherwise I will have to pick another winner. It will end on Wednesday, November 26 at 11:59 p.m., at which time the winner will be chosen randomly and announced on this post within a few hours. I will email the winner and she will have four days to email me back with shipping information. After four days I will have to pick a new winner. Good luck!
If you want your Glow Mama now, you can order some at 15% off with coupon code TM842!
Thanks, Glow Mama, for a great giveaway!


Vicky said...

OK....I am on there email list, I am blogging and linking back to you both and I already have you on my blogroll. :)

I am not pregnant, but I LOVE Gatorade and can't have it now because of the whole renal diet/sodium thing. This has 0 sodium!!!!!! WOOOOO_HOOOOO!

Vicky said...
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Vicky said...
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Vicky said...

I am not awake yet....I met to say THEIR email list and my favorite mocktail would have to be the classic Strswberry Diaperi!

Hannah Schaefer said...

Wow--that Mom-ito looks rather good! I love mojitos, so i guess that would make a great substitute when pregnant, huh?

I've added you to my blogroll, have signed up for Glow Mama's mailing list, and plan to blog about this contest . . . as soon as Stephen goes down for a nap!

krystina said...

this sounds wonderful. just a few weeks along with my first and this would be amazing to take to work, and hopefully help my stomach. i signed up on the email list. on to do the others

Kristin said...

This sounds great. I'm a nursing mama and am constantly thirsty. I'd love to give it a try.

By the way, the Pina Co-Labor would be my choice.

krystina said...

Now I've blogged about it.

krystina said...

and now i've added it to my blog list

krystina said...

as for the mocktail flavors, I'd probably like them all.

Anonymous said...

mocktail, I would definatly go for a pina-co-labor, since I have never drank any real coctails before, I know the taste of pina colada and I Love it!!!
What a great idea!!!
plus I signed up for emails... I am not too hip with the blog and website things yet, although I am young (22) I haven't dove into the web... It's a work in progress!!!

kamewh said...

Although I am not pregnant, I am a mom and I would love to try Glow Mama! I have seen it featured on a few blogs and it definitely looks like a product that I would enjoy!

I love that it is "loaded with the essential vitamins, minerals and fiber!" All of the mocktails sound great but I would probably try the Strawberry Diaperi first!

Thank you for the giveaway and thank you for visiting my blog!

Brandy said...

I think the Glow Mama-politan would be great. Thanks for such a great giveaway.

Jenny said...

ooh, peachy gingertini sounds wonderful!

Pam's Pride said...
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Pam's Pride said...

Ugh, sorry about that.
My favorite would be the Strawberry Diaperi!
I linked you up to my blog!

Anonymous said...

strawberry would be my pick ")


pina co-labor does sound yummy or the strawberry diaperie,


oh also a subscriber and I agree have you seen those horse size vitamins they give you...? Really they smell nasty and are huge!

Ren said...

Thanks for telling me about the giveaway. Their drinks all look delicious. I love cranberry juice, so I think I ought to try out the Cranberry Thanksgiving Punch.

Anonymous said...

i have been wanting to try this for so long!

i'd probably make the pina co-labor.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of it! Sounds cool. :-)

LadyBug-Kellie said...

I think that the Cranberry thanksgiving Punch sounds really yummy! I like cranberry juice - mix it with the other ingredients and you have a great mock-tail!

LadyBug-Kellie said...

I signed up for their newsletter! I still nurse my daughter (some)and this looks like a great way to get in those vitamins we both need!

MMMadrid said...

Hi! Well, I guess the Thanksgiving Punch would be appropriate this week. Sounds delicious. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Land of Lovings said...

Ooooh, Glomama-politan sounds so good! I've got an amazon gift card and nothing to spend it on so I might just have to give Glow Mama a try!

Kristan said...

the strawberry diaperi sounds great to me.

Hannah Schaefer said...

Yay! I won! Whoo-hoo!

I'm still breastfeeding my 13 month old pretty exclusively. That is, he can eat regular food, but 100% of his nutrition still comes from Mommy Milk. We nurse all. the. time! And that's the way we like it! :-) So, winning is totally awesome! This drink will help me get the vitamins I need to keep up my milk supply.

Thanks, Jenny! And thanks, Glow Mama!